Collaborating with destruction: Another approach to designing the future with philosopher in residence Milton Almonacid
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In this working session we will use Speculative Futures as a methodology to collaborate with collapse or destruction in order to imagine new possibilities for action and transformation.

  • What if we would put all of our energy and resources in choosing what we would like to keep, transform, and get rid of?
  • What are the strategies that we need to design if we want to take advantage of the disaster that is to be expected?

This is an exercise in decolonising design thinking. We are inviting you to think about the impossible, together with artists, project developers, policymakers and others, and let new options arise.

The exercise will be guided by indigenous philosopher Milton Almonacid from Chile, who at the moment is our philosopher in residence. Milton’s current focus as well his PhD topic is the decolonisation of transition design. Click here for more information about Milton.

15:30h Doors open
16:00h Welcome & introduction
16:15h Presentation by Milton Almonacid
17:15h Imaginative exercise guided by Milton
17:45h Transition design exercise in groups
18:15h Sharing of findings
19:00h Simple beautiful food & drinks
20:00h End of programme

Min. 10 – max. 40 participants
Contribution for food & drinks: €7,50

In collaboration with Podium voor Architectuur.

Photo: Kees van der Veer / Podium voor Architectuur

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