Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen welcomes Milton Almonacid as philosopher in residence
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The Kunstfort is proud to welcome indigenous philosopher Milton Almonacid from Chile, affiliated with the University of Copenhagen, as a resident at the fort. Almonacid focuses on decolonisation of knowledge and spirit, ‘whiteness studies’, indigenous knowledge theory and non-Western global narratives, among others.

During his res­i­dency at the Kunstfort, Milton will in­teract with art academies, in­di­vidual artists and local par­ties spe­cial­ising in urban de­vel­op­ment, among others.

This res­i­dency has been es­tab­lished with our partner Valley of the Pos­sible in Chile. On 29 June, in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Valley of the Pos­sible and Felix Meritis in Amsterdam, the meeting: BLACK EARTH | Cultivating the Collapse will take place, around Mil­ton’s chal­lenging premise, that we should em­brace and cul­ti­vate col­lapse, rather than trying to pre­vent it. On 12 July the public programme Collaborating with destruction: Another approach to designing the future with philosopher in residence Milton Almonacid takes place at the Kunstfort, in collaboration with Podium voor Architectuur. Click here for more information about the programme.

Click here for more information about Milton.


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