Recording session - conversation with Miloš Trakilović
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On Monday 22 November at 3:00 PM a recording session takes place in the Genieloods for the registration of a conversation between Miloš Trakilović and Zippora Elders (director of the Kunstfort) about the making process of ‘All But War Is Simulation’, his practice and development, and the project he is currently developing with Hito Steyerl and Giorgi Gagoshize and will be presented in the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam.

Come by to attend this recording session and visit the solo exhibition of Miloš!

‘All But War Is Sim­u­la­tion’ is an im­pres­sive video in­stal­la­tion com­prising per­for­mance, text, an­i­ma­tion, and found im­ages. The work ex­am­ines the role of vi­sual cul­ture and media in the rep­re­sen­ta­tion of vi­o­lence. Theory, pop­ular cul­ture, po­etry, and per­sonal ex­pe­ri­ences are com­bined with over­ar­ching themes of mi­gra­tion, mil­i­ta­riza­tion, and dig­ital tech­nology.

Miloš is a Bosnian-Dutch artist who lives in Berlin, and was re­cently ex­hib­ited at Badis­cher Kun­stverein (Karslruhe), Center Pom­pidou (Paris), and Kun­sthalle Wien (Vi­enna).


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