Opening presentation Rietveld Academy students DesignLab - For(t)Sight
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Gerrit Ri­etveld stu­dents De­signLAB

‘FOR[T]SIGHT’ is a 10-day pre­sen­ta­tion by Gerrit Ri­etveld Academy stu­dents that places spec­u­la­tion and the fu­ture cen­tral in their artistic re­search. Their works, which the stu­dents refer to as ‘fu­ture-ready in­ter­ven­tions’, en­courage the vis­itor to delve into hy­po­thet­ical sce­narios and pro­jec­tions of our fu­ture. We warmly in­vite you to join FOR[T]SIGHT’ fes­tive start from 16:00 – 19:00 on Friday, 8 De­cember.

Every year, the Kunstfort pro­vides tem­po­rary use of spaces on and around the fort is­land to art academy stu­dents and in­vites them to use the unique his­tory, ecology, and ma­te­ri­ality of the Kunstfort as a source of in­spi­ra­tion. The coming pre­sen­ta­tion ‘FOR[T]SIGHT’ arises from a mul­tiple-month col­lab­o­ra­tion be­tween Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen and the De­signLAB de­part­ment of the Gerrit Ri­etveld Acad­emy in Amsterdam. Building on the (hi)sto­ries of the former Fort bij Vijfhuizen, the con­cep­tual starting point given to the stu­dents by their teacher Arine Apra­hamian, was sci­ence fic­tion, nar­ra­tive & fu­ture de­fense strate­gies. Em­bracing sci­ence fic­tion as an in­stru­ment for spec­u­la­tive fu­tur­istic nar­ra­tives,  the stu­dents, guided by their teacher, were asked to de­velop an in­ter­pre­ta­tion of the fu­ture in lan­guage, image or ob­ject.

On Friday 8 De­cember from 16:00 on­wards, you are wel­come to come and cel­e­brate the of­fi­cial start of the stu­dents’ pre­sen­ta­tions with speeches, per­for­mances, drinks, and snacks. The pre­sen­ta­tions can be vis­ited from 8 De­cember up to 17 De­cember during reg­ular opening hours.


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